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Find devices with unique identifiers

Create Named identifiers

Perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the link Identifiers "Identifiers" from the top menu.

  2. Click the "Create Named Unique Identifier" button

  3. Enter the "code" of the identifier

Note: We create the identifier ACME0001

The Named identifier should appear, the next step is add the identifier to a device.

Create UnNamed Identifiers

Perform the following steps:

  1. Click on menu "Unique Identifiers" option "Unique Identifier Management"

  2. Click the "Create UnNamed Unique Identifier" button

  3. Enter an "Amount" of identifiers you want to create

    Note: We ask for two identifiers

The UnNamed identifiers should appear, the next step is add the identifier to a device.

Add an identifier to a device

In this example we are going to add the "Named Identifier" with code: ACME0001, created in the previous step to a device. In the case of an "UnNamed Identifier" the process would be similar

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select the device to which we want to add the identifier

  2. Click on menu "Unique Identifiers" option "Add Unique Identifier to selected Device"

  3. Write or select the "Unique Identifier"

  4. click on "Save changes"

In the inventory we will see the identifiers linked to the device


Remove an identifier from a device

In this example we are going to remove the "Named Identifier" with code: ACME0001 from device 275Q9. In the case of an "UnNamed Identifier" the process would be similar

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select the device to which we want to add the identifier

  2. Click on menu "Unique Identifiers" option "Remove Unique Identifier from selected Device"

  3. Write or select the "Unique Identifier"

  4. click on "Save changes"