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Temporary lots

In this tutorial you will learn to:

  1. Create a temporary lot
  2. Add a device to a temporary lot
  3. Add the same device to a second temporary lot
  4. Remove a device from a temporary lot
  5. Delete a temporary lot


  • A lot (similar to a folder) allows you to keep your devices neat and organized.
  • Devices that do not yet have an assigned lot will appear in the "Unassigned devices" section.
  • Deleting a lot is not deleting the devices it contains. If the device runs out of any lot, it will appear in the "Unassigned devices" section.
  • The same device can be in more than one lot. You can use lotes as labels.

Example: You receive a lot of two devices (3XQPB and 3LMVV) from "Suppleir" A1 with delivery code E123. The 3LMVV device needs to be repaired. Finally deliver the two devices to a "Receiver" (C1) with delivery code E456.

We suggest you do the following steps:

  1. Create a temporary lot In-A1-E123 and add the devices. Note: The prefix "In" helps you identify that this will be an "Incoming Lot".
  2. Create the temporary lot "ToRepair"
  3. Add the 3LMVV device to the "ToRepair" lot
  4. Create the temporary lot "Out-C1-E456"
  5. Add the two devices to the lot "Out-C1-E456"

Create a temporary lot

  1. Click on "New temporary lot". First option under "Temporary Lots"

  1. Enter a text (this will be the lot name).

  1. Click "Save".

Add a device to a lot

  1. Select the devices you want to add to the lot. For example 3XQPB and 3LMVV
  2. Click on the "Lots" menu. Existing lotes will appear
  3. Select the checkbox corresponding to the lot where you want to add the devices

Example: We select the lot "In-A1-E123"

  1. Click "Apply"
  2. Confirm the changes with "Save changes"

Note: If the DHID of the device is green it means that we are adding the device to the lot

Remove a device from a lot

  1. Select the devices you want to remove from the lot. For example the 3LMVV.
  2. Click on the "Lots" menu. Existing lotes will appear. The marked checkboxes would be the lots where the device is.
  3. Clear the checkbox to remove the device from the lot.

Example: We deselect the lot "ToRepair"

  1. Click "apply".
  2. Confirm the changes with "Save changes"

Note: If the DHID of the device is red it means that we are removing the device from the lot

Delete a lot

  1. Select the temporary lot you want to delete
  2. Click on "Delete Lot" (right part of the screen)
  3. Confirm the deletion. click "Delete it!"