Inventary by web
In this tutorial we explain how to:
- Inventory devices over the web by uploading "Snapshot" files.
- Inventory devices via web by uploading a spreadsheet the "Placeholders".
- Inventory devices via web form.
- In this case you want to inventory devices from a web environment. To inventory devices by software (see "Inventory by software")
Upload Snapshot files
To inventory one or more devices from snapshot files, perform the following four steps:
Click on the menu "New Devices" option "Upload Snapshot files".
click on the "Browse..." button
select one or more "Snapshot" files with JSON extension
- click on "Send".
Upload Placeholder Spreadsheet
To inventory devices from a spreadsheet file, perform the following five steps:
click on the menu "New Devices" option "Upload Placeholder Spreadsheet".
Select the "Type" of the devices.
Click on the "Browse..." button.
Attach the spreadsheet. You can download the templates here in the format of your choice:
- Template in xlsx format
- Template in ods format
- Template in csv format
click Send
Create Placeholders by webform
To inventory devices from a webform perform the following four steps:
Click on the menu "New Devices" option "Create a new Placeholder".
Select the "Type".
Under Amount, enter the number of devices you want to create. If the "Amount" is greater than one, some device identifiers will disappear from the form.
click Save