
Action: Actions are events performed to devices, changing their status. Actions can have attributes defining where it happened, who performed them, when, etc. Actions are stored in a log for each device. An exemplifying action can be Repair, which dictates that a device has been repaired, after this action, the device is in the repaired state.

Code of Supplier: A code representing the supplier of devices.

Code of Receiver: A code representing the receiver of devices.

Custodian: A user who can register and make updates on devices.

Delivery note: A delivery note is a document that accompanies a transfer (or delivery) of devices. It provides a list of the devices included in the transfer. A delivery note is also known as a 'dispatch note' or a 'goods received note'.

DHID: An identifier for a device which is unique across Usody.

Digital product passport: A DPP is a structured collection of product-specific data conveyed through a unique identifier.

DPP: A Digital product passport or a DPP is a structured collection of product-specific data conveyed through a unique identifier.

Incoming Lot: An incoming lot has been offered or already transfered to you. Accordingly, it contains devices that have been offered to you or have already become your physical possession.

Incoming Transfer: An inbound transfer represents a change of physical possession of a device from a supplier to you. These transfers create an "Incoming lot"

Name of action: A name or title of an action. Used to perform searches on actions

Named identifier: An identifier for a device which is unique for this user's inventory. A user may set the named identifier according to their own logic. Named identifies are used for the internal traceability of the user's assets, such as for internal tracking of device usage or for logistics. For example ACME0001, ACME0002, etc...

Outgoing Lot: An outgoing lot that has been offered or already transfered to another user. Accordingly, it contains devices that have been offered to them (by yourself) or have already become their physical possession.

Outgoing Transfer: An outgoing transfer represents a change of physical possession of your device between you and the receiver. Such an outgoing transfer creates an "Outgoing lot"

Physical action: There are mainly five types of physical actions that we can register in the traceability system: "ToPrepare", "Prepare", "ToRepair", "Ready", "DataWipe". Any of these actions changes the physical status of the affected devices.

Placeholder: Metadata of a device entered by an operator. This metadata is not reliable because it have been entered manually

Public Link: A URL directing to a publicly available web site of a device. For example:

Receiver Note: A document received by the receiver of devices. Indicates the received devices.

Snapshot: Metadata of a device retrieved through software. This metadata is reliable because it is generated by software and is protected from manual modification. All metadata of a device is grouped in one file with a JSON extension.

Severity of action: Allows you to indicate that the action has been carried out normally or you want to note any warning or error. There are 4 levels: Info: The action has been carried out normally, Notice: The action has been carried out normally but you want to include a minor warning, Warning: The action has been carried out successfully but you want to include an important warning. Error: The action has an error

Supplier: A user supplying devices to another user

Temporary Lot: A temporary lot (similar to a folder) allows you to group the devices in your inventory. If you transfer the device to another user, we recommend you to create an "Outgoing Lot" and delete the temporary lot

Unassigned devices: Devices that are not assigned to any lot. When registering devices, they usually do not have a lot initially.

UnNamed identifier: An identifier for a device which is assigned and managed by an external provider. Using unnamed identifiers devices can be traced across various users. These users have to assign the identifiers from the same provider. Examples: the GS1 company, the OBADA network, etc...